Category Archives: rekomendasi

Education Gap

Senang sekali bisa menemukan satu slide, yang menggambarkan semua insight yang saya dapat dari beberapa sumber selama ini. Mulai dari Daniel Pink sampai Sir Ken Robinson, yang menekankan bagaimana pendidikan sekarang ini harus diubah secara mendasar!

Very nice Slides!!

Untuk lebih lengkapnya bisa didownload di Noteandpoint-EducationGap by Prabhakar Jampa

Akhir dari Hydrocele Fabian

Setelah bergumul dengan masalah pembesaran testis kanan Fabian di satu setengah tahun terakhir ini, akhirnya kini saya bisa merasa lega. Kalau diposting sebelumnya, saya menjelaskan bahwa hydrocele Fabian sudah mengecil, itu bukan berarti hilang sama sekali. Beberapa waktu kemudian muncul kembali. Lalu setelah beberapa lama hilang lagi, tapi kemudian muncul kembali.

Akhirnya saya dan suami memutuskan untuk meminta second opinion dari dokter di Singapore. Pada awalnya saya berharap kalau dokternya mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya tidak apa2 kalau lubang penyebab hydrocelenya cukup kecil. Atau harapan kedua adalah teknologi disana sudah cukup canggih, sehingga tidak perlu operasi, mungkin dengan laser atau apapun yang efek terhadap anaknya lebih kecil.

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The leader in Me — by Stephen Covey

I can’t imagine how a child as little as elementary school can be taught Leadership principles. At least I didn’t get that kind of education when I was a child. Perhaps when I was entering my third job that I became aware of the importance of leadership and start to learn by experience.

Mr Covey explained that he himself was surprised by the result of A.B Comb did to their students. The principal of that school has choose Leadership as its magnet theme. They use 7 habits and Baldrige tools as the foundation. The result was amazing, the score test getting better, the number of students breaking rules reduced and the most important one is that the children there were prepared with the most important skill for their future.

I wish I can find that kind of school in Jakarta, but perhaps, it will start in another couple of years..I guess I have to start it in my own house.

To be honest, I have no idea how to do it. I’ll do some more research on it. Prepare the tools, learn how the leadership school did. I hope they explain it on their web 🙂

But the most important start is to learn and do the 7 habits myself. I guess I still have lots to learn and practice. I’m going to read that book again..

A whole new mind — by Daniel H Pink

I just finished a book sharing session with my colleague for this very interesting book. I’m amazed how he could open my eyes about the “logic VS creative”  thing that has hanging in my head lately and gave me a very great answer. 

Whole new mind means Left-side brained mind with 6 basic sense of Right-side brained mind. Why does right brain concept raise all the sudden? the answer is 3A, Abundance, Asia and Automation. The world has full of efficient, logic people. Product quality is only a entry ticket to the market, then a great design will make a differentials. Furthermore, logic and analytical tasks are easily transferred to India, Singapore, and other Asia where the cost of resource are cheaper. The last is that machine will definitely defeat human in analytical capability. All end up with the raise of “a whole mind” concept.

There are 6 senses that need to be developed:

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The Brain Child – by Tony Buzan

I really recommend parents to read Tony Buzan book, “The Brain Child”. It’s not a new book, but I just found the reason why I get interested with this topic. What else..of course it’s because my precious son has almost reach his first 2 years. I have no clue, what to do and what not to do for his education and development.

I found the book very easy to understand and resourceful for parents who wants the best for their child’s brain development. I decided to buy the book, even though I’ve finished read it from the library. Just for future reference.

Firstly, it describe how the brain works. I was convinced that brain has a very unlimited capability and very unique. I always think that a person will only have 1 side of brain as a dominant one, so we have to choose whether be a fully logical person or a very artistic person. But I was wrong. Someone can be very brilliant if he/she develop his/her both side of brain.

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My thought about motherhood

Time goes by, I’ve been a mother for 21 months. I still don’t know whether I’m doing it good or bad or just fine. It’s not like in my job, they do review in periodic time and  feedback my performance . I clearly understand whether I have to change to a new method or perhaps new framework or just improve in the path I’ve choose..

Nurturing a child is probably the most complex and important task I’ve ever done. It needs both logic and feeling. It is so important that I can’t take the risk to not doing it right. The future of one important person in my life is on stake, I have to learn to be a good Mom!!

The question in my head is.. ” what is the requirement of a good mom?”, “What should I do/teach to my little baby?”,”why is it so hard just to give something that I know will be good for him, like a healthy food?” I know, I lack of knowledge here.. I need to find it somewhere, but found asking with other friends is not the right option (everybody seem to have their on believe, that I can’t understand)

Then, I start the journey with a new hobby, reading.. Something I really don’t like before.. but now, I find it very..very..very interesting. I found lots of story, other success people experience and what interested me is what their mom did and taught them. I always believe that mom has a very strong capability in shaping their child future. Here is my answer…

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Tangan kanan atau tangan kiri?

Mungkin saat ini, anda sedang bertanya-tanya, kenapa anak saya selalu menggunakan tangan kirinya atau kok sampai sekarang dia tidak menunjukkan tangan yang dominan..

Saya baru saja mendapat informasi yang cukup menarik mengenai kecakapan tangan ini. Tony Buzan mengatakan bahwa sebagian kelompok masyarakat telah membuat 2 kesalahan penting dalam bukunya “brain child”, yaitu:

  1. menganggap dominan tangan kiri adalah buruk, jelek, kidal dan dominan sehingga dihina dan ditolak, sedangkan dominan tangan kanan adalah baik, tepat, trampil. Akibatnya di akhir abad ini, jutaan anak yang dominan tangan kiri dipaksa untuk menggukanan tangan kanan mereka dengan berbagai metode seperti mengikat tangan kiri atau memberi hukuman, dll
  2. karena menganggap bahwa hanya ada pilihan untuk menggunakan salah satu tangan tertentu (baik kiri atau kanan). Sehingga mereka memaksa perbandingan dari 60:40 menjadi ekstrim 90:10. Yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan ketidak seimbangan mental dan menjadi ketidak seimbangan fisik.

Jadi sebenarnya mana yang benar?

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Artikel ini diambil dari Ini cukup memberi saya inspirasi. Semoga membantu ibu2 diluar sana, yang memiliki masalah yang sama dengan memberikan anak..

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Strategi memberi makanan sehat pada si kecil

Berikut adalah artikel hasil temuan saya pada saat sedang frustasi dengan Fabian yang tidak mau makan… saya ambil dari web parenting

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Another photo with photofunia

it’s so cute ya..


Can you imagine your son picture painted on your car 🙂


or  is being drawn like this..

want to know how?

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